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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

I want him to be honest, open, caring, generous, loving traveling, the sea, respect and love me and children (both his and mine)

How I describe myself

Active, restless ☺️ Although sometimes I like to rest passively by the sea. The sea is my love.

Value in a man

Trust and understanding.

Relationship with parents

True love means to me


Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

Visit Spain.

How I describe satisfaction in life

To feel like loved and attractive woman.

How I describe moral principles

Honesty and openness.

How I describe the importance of friends

I have few friends, but they are faithful and sincere, we support each other in times of trouble and in times of joy, although we may not see each other for a long time.

How I describe what trust to me is

Confidence in the partner's honesty.


Children, travel, and the sea.


Yoga, I try to do every morning for 15 minutes

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