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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

First of all, I want a man who will provide a family and not require me to work. I've experienced that, so I know it's possible. I would like to support my hobbies, sports hobbies and not limit it. As well as respectful attitude, care.

How I describe myself

I am romantic and dreamy by nature, I love literature, architecture, traveling, several years regularly go to the gym. I am caring, I can take care of his health, I can cook delicious food. I am capable to organize everyday life, I can drive a car, I can help in organizational matters and look presentable in society, and hold a conversation.

Value in a man

To take care (in the material and non-material sense) to take my wishes into account.

Relationship with parents

True love means to me

Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

How I describe satisfaction in life

How I describe moral principles

How I describe the importance of friends

How I describe what trust to me is


I like to travel a lot, sightseeing, reading books, swimming, practicing yoga, working out, skiing, watching movies, walking in the park, painting.


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