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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

My ideal partner would be someone who embodies kindness, honesty, and loyalty. They would be open-minded, emotionally intelligent, and able to communicate openly about their feelings. They would value mutual respect and trust, and we’d share similar core values, such as the importance of family and personal growth. In terms of appearance, it’s not about a specific look but more about someone who takes care of themselves, carries a positive attitude, and radiates warmth. The way they present themselves would reflect their inner confidence and authenticity. As for their dating schedule, I’d appreciate someone who has a flexible and open approach to time. Life can be busy, but having the ability to make time for each other when needed and being willing to make plans together would be important. Spontaneity is nice, but consistency and respect for each other’s time would be key for me.

How I describe myself

I am originally from Ukraine, but I have been living in Germany for the last three years with my son Renat, who is 12 years old. I have been divorced for many years, and my ex-husband lives in another country. My son lives with me, and when I am away, Renat stays with my parents, who love him dearly. I love living in a house and enjoying my morning coffee. I wake up early, but I love to linger. I am very active, social, energetic, and driven. I enjoy expressing myself and achieving goals. I am a lawyer and have worked for many years as a police investigator. I understand people well and am very communicative.

Value in a man

Relationship with parents

True love means to me

Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

How I describe satisfaction in life

How I describe moral principles

How I describe the importance of friends

How I describe what trust to me is



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