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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

My partner has to have family values, not drinker or moderate. I am attracted to smart men that can hold a conversation, generous, respectful, monogamous, knows how to treat a woman, not controlling and not someone who only loves himself, a giver.

How I describe myself

I am very young at heart, love active life style, love to cook and do food tasting in different restaurants to rate their food) Love to travel, boating, water ski, snow ski, yoga, Pilates, aerobics, rollerblading. Love intelligent deep conversations, philosophy, love to learn new things and love to listen, very loyal, amazing friend and life partner. Looking for serious relationship that will lead to marriage.

Value in a man

Relationship with parents

True love means to me

Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

How I describe satisfaction in life

How I describe moral principles

How I describe the importance of friends

How I describe what trust to me is



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