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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

I am looking for a partner who is calm, educated, and both intellectually and emotionally developed, with a clear sense of direction in life. Success and respect for others are important values to me. I seek someone who is caring, open to dialogue, and free of dependencies such as alcohol or drugs. A love for dogs is essential as I have a 4-year-old French bulldog. My ideal partner should be tidy, capable of discussing any topics or problems, and ready to support the family financially if necessary. I am not particularly religious and prefer a partner who shares this perspective, though I am open to different beliefs as long as they are not fanatical. I am not interested in men from the States as I plan to return to Europe.

How I describe myself

I am a strong, purposeful, and intelligent individual with a sincere and demanding nature. Ambitious and inquisitive, I love to learn and experience new things. Cooking and creating a cozy home environment are among my passions. I value order and cleanliness and find joy in maintaining a well-organized space. Traveling is one of my greatest loves, as I believe it gives meaning to life. I deeply enjoy taking care of my loved ones and invest a lot of effort in self-development to better understand myself and others, and to achieve more in life. Since childhood, I have been an avid reader, with a fondness for fiction, classics, and detective stories. I am faithful, decent, and responsible. Taking care of myself is important to me, and I maintain my physical fitness through a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. As an attentive listener, I am genuinely interested in my conversation partner and can easily keep a conversation going. One of my favorite activities is giving gifts. I always strive to choose something that the recipient will love, based on my careful observations of their likes and interests.

Value in a man

Relationship with parents

True love means to me

Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

How I describe satisfaction in life

How I describe moral principles

How I describe the importance of friends

How I describe what trust to me is


I love to travel and explore new places. Good food is a passion of mine – I enjoy both eating well and cooking delicious meals at home. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, and I’m always eager to develop myself in various ways. I practice yoga and Pilates regularly, which helps me stay balanced and healthy. If you share a love for adventure, good food, and personal growth, let’s connect!


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