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Application Form for professionals only

Perfect man description

I'm looking for a man who values honesty and sincerity in all aspects of life. He should be able to take responsibility and be open and empathetic in his relationships. Politeness and intelligence are important to me, as well as someone who is genuinely interested in life and all its wonders. I'm seeking a partner who is ready to share the joy of life with me, creating beautiful memories and a fulfilling future together.

How I describe myself

I'm a woman who values honesty, sincerity, and kindness above all else. I believe in the importance of truly listening and hearing others. I am a person of my word and always strive to learn something new. I love to surprise those around me and am equally delighted to be surprised. If you're looking for someone who is genuine, curious, and full of joy, let's connect and see where this journey takes us.

Value in a man

Relationship with parents

True love means to me

Infidelity how I describe

Goals in life

How I describe satisfaction in life

How I describe moral principles

How I describe the importance of friends

How I describe what trust to me is


I have a strong knowledge of wine, although I am not a professional in the field. My interest in wine has led me to study its history and winemaking in different regions of the world. I enjoy reading, watching films, and traveling to new places in my free time. I also incorporate stretching and occasional running into my fitness routine. When I have spare time, I prefer to be out and about, exploring beautiful locations rather than staying at home.


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